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Writer's pictureCynthia Fortlage

Back To A New Normal?

Updated: May 6, 2020

There’s a lot of talk about life post Coronavirus and getting back to normal or a new normal.

So what does that mean?

A lot depends on how long the social distancing and stay at home orders exist. I believe what we are seeing and have seen is just the first wave of the virus.

If we move too quickly or resume life as it was, there may be a second wave and subsequent additional waves. While I am not a medical expert those that are have shared the information previously and past pandemic virus outbreaks have all behaved in similar, not identical ways.

I have meditated and journeyed with an intent to focus on what answers I get when I set an intention of, what do I need to learn from Covid-19? The answers aren’t pretty, and you could say Karma for the way we have treated mother earth is part of the story. What ancient diseases are we releasing by the damage done to her?

So this normal we get to, here’s my two cents worth of what I hope it looks like . . .

  • A world of Acceptance without Understanding

A world where we accept everyone as human beings on their own journey. As we are all unique human beings our journeys are all equally unique.

  • A world where its people first, a human-centric world

When leaders make decisions, that the impact on people, not the bottom line comes first

  • A world where consumerism doesn’t rule our behaviour.

Too much consumption uses resources and creates waste that pollutes our planet.

  • A world not driven by the almighty dollar although that’s a hard habit to kick.

It could be argued that the great economic system of capitalism is not working for everyone as intended, it is not a sustainable system.

  • A world where we treat the planet as a rare resource that it is. Respecting the environment and question our behaviours and the resources it consumes and waste that it creates.

Listen to Greta Thunberg on this one

  • A world where equality and equity actual have been implemented

It could be argued that we have a lot of equality laws, but the world is still not equitable

  • A world where we cherish our friends not take them for granted

In the last 4 weeks, how many times did we catch up with friends and acquaintances?

  • A world where getting outside or into nature is recognized as a privilege

Isn’t getting outside your change of scenery or wish. Cleaner air was welcome.

  • A world where social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation

Keeping a safe distance doesn’t mean not asking someone how they are feeling

  • A world where world leaders are empathetic and strong

It takes strength to be an empathetic leader – Jacinda Ardern

  • A world where a hug or touch is recognized as a special interaction and not taken for granted.

Human touch an intimate connection between friends and lovers

These are some of my hopes for what a new normal may look like. I know there are folks who won’t agree with some of these idea’s, I accept that, but I don’t have to agree with them. We are all able to have our own points of view, that’s what makes us unique human beings.

Let’s have an accepting conversation, share some of your hopes without tearing down others!

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